10 Medicinal Plants That Can Cure diseases In Rwanda



1. Hygrophila spiciformis Lindau-Gangabukari.



To cure gonorrhea, a decoction of crushed fresh leaves is utilized. Hepatic disorders are treated with a leaf decoction, and the leaf ash of H. asteracantha Nees is used as a diuretic since it contains potassium salts.

2. Thurnbergia alata Boj. Ex: Sims-Gisanyurwa 

For its oxytocic activity, a decoction of fresh or dried leaves is employed. In Tanzania, the leaves are used with those of Cucurbita pepo L. to treat menorrhagia. Thunbergia Retz's leaves and fruits. For oxytocic activity, species are employed, and leaf juice is used to relieve pain after childbirth..


3. Cyathula cylindrica Moq-Igifashi.

After crushed, heating in water, and straining for gonorrhea, fresh leaves are utilized. A decoction of root bark is used as an emetic and purgative, as well as to cure malaria and leprosy. The stem, fruit, and seeds of C. spathulifolia Lopr. Are used in the form of ointment for leprosy cure.


4.  Rhus vulgaris Meikle-Umuragara.

Fresh leaves are burned, and the ash is administered externally to treat scabies and for oxytocic activity. The herb is used to treat diarrhoea, wounds, gonorrhea, infertility, and make childbirth easier.


1.4.      Bignoniaceae

5. Markhamia lutea (Benth.) K. Schum-Umusave

Fresh or dried herb decoction is used for kidney disease.


6. Gynandropsis gynandra (L.) Briq – Isogi

Chest infections are treated with a decoction of fresh leaves. The root and dried leaf are used to help in childbirth.





7. Blumea brevipes (Oliver & Hiern) Willd-Igitabitabi

Crushed leaves are used to treat skin conditions including burns. Blumea lacera DC is a species of Blumea. Is said to be an effective treatment for eyelid ringworm.



8. Conyza aegyptiaca (L.) Ait‑Wambuba.

Intestinal worm infestations are treated with a decoction made from fresh herbs that have been crushed and cooked in water. Less of the other Conyza. The Zulus utilize species as a cough medicine and a fever treatment. C. pyrrhopappa A. Rich's methylene chloride leaf extract In vitro antimalarial activity was found to be quite poor.


9. Crassocephalum multicorymbosum (Klatt) S. Moore – Isununu.

Fresh leaves are crushed in water and used for oxytocic action.

10. Crassocephalum vitellinum (Benth.) S. Moore – Umusununu.

The liquid obtained by grinding fresh leaves and placing them in cold water is used to treat constipation and abortion. The Haya of Tanzania use the leaves to treat gonorrhoea. The leaves and roots of Conyza pyrrhopappa A. Rich. ssp. oblongifolia (O. Hoffm.) Wild are used to cure sores in newborns. Clutia abyssinica Jaub. & Spach. and Clutia abyssinica Jaub. & Spach. Trimeria grandifolia (Hochst.) Warb., Trimeria grandifolia (Hochst.) Warb., Trimeria grandifolia (Hochst.) Warb., Trimeria Are prescribed for the treatment of mouth sores. Indigestion is treated using the leaves. The leaf sap is used to relieve stomach distress. Headaches are treated with a leaf lotion or decoction. Epilepsy is treated using a mixture of the leaf sap and Cymbopogon giganteus, which is taken orally and applied externally.  The leaf sap is used to cure fresh wounds when applied externally. The dried leaf powder is smoked to cure sleeping sickness and used as a snuff to stop nose bleeding. Tannin, which is present in the plant's roots, is used to alleviate swollen lips.


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