
Showing posts from March, 2022

Get Rid Of Headache Fast and Naturally

Headaches are a frequent ailment that affects many people on a daily basis. They can make your day-to-day living difficult, ranging from unpleasant to plain unbearable.   There are several forms of headaches, the most frequent of which are tension headaches. Migraines are moderate-to-severe headache that occurs in groups or "clusters." Cluster headaches are painful and occur in groups or "clusters."   Although many pharmaceuticals are available to alleviate headache symptoms, there are also a number of effective natural therapies.   Here are 10 great home cures for relieving headaches naturally. 1. Drink Water You can get a headache if you don't drink enough water. Chronic dehydration is a common cause of tension headaches and migraines, according to research. Drinking water, thankfully, has been shown to ease headache symptoms in most dehydrated people within 30 minutes to three hours. Furthermore, dehydration can impair attention and induce irrit

10 Medicinal Plants That Can Cure diseases In Rwanda

         Acanthace 1. Hygrophila spiciformis Lindau-Gangabukari.                                                                      To cure gonorrhea, a decoction of crushed fresh leaves is utilized. Hepatic disorders are treated with a leaf decoction, and the leaf ash of H. asteracantha Nees is used as a diuretic since it contains potassium salts. 2. Thurnbergia alata Boj. Ex: Sims-Gisanyurwa   For its oxytocic activity, a decoction of fresh or dried leaves is employed. In Tanzania, the leaves are used with those of Cucurbita pepo L. to treat menorrhagia. Thunbergia Retz's leaves and fruits. For oxytocic activity, species are employed, and leaf juice is used to relieve pain after childbirth..     Amaranthaceae 3.  Cyathula cylindrica Moq-Igifashi. After crushed, heating in water, and straining for gonorrhea, fresh leaves are utilized. A decoction of root bark is used as an emetic and purgative, as well